M1 Legal Changes The Life Of One London Couple By Achieving A £133,600 Timeshare Compensation Award
October 2022 closed with being another successful month for M1 Legal and its clients as our expert team of timeshare lawyers secured over a half a million pounds in timeshare compensation awards.
Incredible result
Years of anguish cause by an illegally sold Marriott Vacation Club International (MVCI) timeshare membership came to a pleasant ending for a couple from Northwest London. M1 Legal had been successful in their claims case and the couple were awarded a significant amount of £133,607.
"The contract was clearly illegal, and it is in my opinion highly unlikely that MVCI didn't know exactly what they were doing." Fernando Sansegundo, our head of M1 Legal reveals. Unfortunately, this is not a unique case and has impacted "large volumes of other clients over the last two decades", he further remarks.
There were additional compensation winners during October against the timeshare company Diamond Resorts. These include a family from Scotland who were awarded just shy of £50,000 and nearly £40,000 was awarded to a couple from Clevedon in Somerset.
Consistent achievements
The head at M1 Legal recalls clearly "the first time M1 Legal broke the barrier of £500,000 in awarded compensation in one month". "It is real, tangible justice for mis-sold timeshare owners. Half a million pounds awarded in a month used to be an exceptional amount. Now we break that barrier regularly".*
In October 2022 alone, "we have achieved court victories worth £628,562 spread between 31 award winners. That averages well over £20,000 per client. These are people who generally only wanted to be free of the financial obligations of their memberships, so they could take advantage of the huge choices and flexibility available to modern holidaymakers. The compensation award came as a welcome bonus".
Timeshare companies continue to use legal obstacles, delay tactics and strategies to hinder proceedings, however our specialist lawyers at M1 Legal raise expectations every time. Because of this, our clients enjoy a 98.6% success rate in timeshare compensation court cases.
Victories by resort
The biggest victories during October 2022:
MVCI -Total compensation claim award value of £227,140 (7 claimants)
CLC -Total compensation claim award value of £139,222 (7 claimants - Spanish court victories) An additional 56 cases were managed via FRP, the UK administrators
Diamond Resorts - Total compensation claim award value of £162,361 (7 claimants)
A further £99,839 in compensation awards among ten claimants was achieved across other resorts.
Sansegundo highlights that "although we often discuss the main culprits, being Anfi, CLC, Diamond and Marriott, there are many other resorts who broke the law at their customers'expense".
To see if you are entitled to make a claim against your timeshare resort, you will first need to contact European Consumer Claims (ECC) who will provide you with a free consultation in order to first see if you would qualify for a compensation claim.