Clc, Diamond, Onagroup & Fuerteventura Life

Clc, Diamond, Onagroup & Fuerteventura Life

We are please to inform you of last weeks Spanish court victories. The legal team at M1 Legal secured 12 awards totalling £212,782

There were 6 awards against Club La Costa totalling £91,770 - The nullity of the contracts was determined by the lack of information (property and when they could use it). There was also an award against Onagroup's Resotel & Medhotel, the nullity was for the same reasons as above and the amount awarded to the client was £34,330.

Diamond Resorts also lost a case that went in our favour and it also was won based on the lack of information (property and when they could use it) in the contract, £20,238 awarded.


The Court of Appeal has ruled in our favour against Fuerteventura Life and denied all points raised. They were also instructed to pay court costs. £9,200 Awarded. There was also 3 appeals secured in our favour, all of which CLC has to now also pay court costs. Total value of these cases £57,240


M1 legal secured 4 jurisdiction victories last week valued at £45,696, two of them were against CLC and two against Diamond Resorts. The defense challenged the cases being heard in Spanish jurisdiction. Three victories were the initial jurisdiction hearing, and one was a victory on an appeal. All jurisdiction cases will now proceed to the next step.

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