Ten Jurisdictions Ruled In Our Favour

Ten Jurisdictions Ruled In Our Favour

Last week was yet another fantastic week for jurisdiction victories against Club La Costa and Diamond Resorts. Below are contractual names where M1 legal have again had jurisdictions ruled in favour of the client.

  • Club La Costa UK PLC EP
  • Club La Costa UK PLC Sucursal en España
  • Continental Resorts Services SL

There were a total of NINE victories against associated Club La Costa companies.

Furthermore M1 Legal also secured a victory for jurisdiction against Diamond Resorts, the contractual name being Diamond Resorts Europe Ltd Sucursal en España.

In all these cases, the defence argued that the case should not be heard in Spain however, it has been decided that they all can.

All cases continue and are awaiting a hearing date.

If you have any questions, please call our advice hotline on 0203 6704616.

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